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Mental health and life development

Writer's picture: Edi MarquesEdi Marques

During our life, we can correlate that our mental health does not stand in the same state during the various stages of life. At the beginning of our life, due to our innocence, our mental health can be fairly stable. At this time, we do not know plenty of things and we don’t understand what is happening around us or how our friends, family and closed ones are feeling. We don’t have the capacity to understand that through our eyes. This could be the reason that the stage stated as childhood has an enormous importance, and it is considered the best stage of life. It is like that everything is hidden and protected from us, so we can’t understand.

Personally, I knew what the impact of death of a loved one is when I was fourteen. Until that time, I didn’t know what death was, what happened when people were old and more notorious than that it was that I didn’t even have the curiosity to ask or to find out. It was like it was hidden from me and kept away. Of course, after fourteen years old, I realized some aspects in life that were hidden from me until that time, not only death, but the problems such as financial or social. I understood that it is quite hard to confront our social fear and be courageous facing a specific situation or even try to face someone and be honest with them even if that will hurt them. For some reason, I understood that treating others is treating me and at a certain moment, I idealized that if I treat others like I treat myself, I will gain responsibility and sense of wellness because I am doing things right. In other words, if I treat someone disrespectfully, harmfully and unfair, I will feel bad with myself and I will reconsider my actions because I know the impact that I had on that person and I will apologise, but for this we have to know us, know our values, our mental development and most important, be responsible.

Our mental health goes with time, and time accompanies our life and the different stages. Previously, it was possible to understand that childhood models our behaviours and is, probably, the most important stage for your mental development. However, we are always growing and learning, which takes us to adulthood, where we are mature, responsible and aware of our problems and we have conscience of our mistakes and actions. Every reaction that we have in theses phase is consequence of our development in childhood, but it can have small differences, adaptations and changes due to our recent experiences and our emerge into the labour market. This last is the conclusion of our childhood and the dive to the real world, where we tend to be alone and where everything is pointed at us. If we look otherwise, we are a spotlight that is ready to shine and to make us proud. Indeed, we can hide and run away, or we can face what is in front of us, every day, and manage them in our own way. Of course, this is easy to say but, in our adulthood, we don’t have enough fingers to count the sad days or the depression shadow us, but we need to try and do something that will make us proud at the end of our life.

After all, we can learn, growth can lead us to the person that we always wanted to be.


Gilmour, Heather. (2014). Positive mental health and mental illness. Health reports. 25. 3-9.


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