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welcome to the community

Kind To Mind is an organisation that provides mental health and personal development services to groups, individuals and workplaces. We offer workshops, training and personal development programmes on topics such as workplace well-being, anxiety and stress management, mindfulness, and self-esteem. Whether you are a youth group, HR representative or an individual looking for an opportunity to share, we support people to develop tools that support mental health and improve our prospects in life. 

Mental Health Service of the Year - Global Livewire Awards 2022

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Holding Hands Up High

our services

We have been contributing to, writing and delivering Erasmus+ personal development and mental health themed projects all across Europe to groups aged 18 - 65. 


We work with partner NGOs to write and submit projects in line with the UN's SDGs and the European Commission's Erasmus+ aims. Our projects include community building, non-violent communication, mental health and safeguarding training for youth workers and body image and relationship to food.


We are always open to working with new NGOs or participants so please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We deliver workshops and training courses to two core groups.


Our training courses for workplaces focus on either equipping senior leadership and management teams with skills to effectively support and promote team wellbeing, as well as working with employees to educate and equip the individuals with skills to improve wellbeing in the workplace and improve communication and team cohesion. Our workshops for the youth sector focus on mental health, resilience and personal development for the transitioning from child/adolescent to adult.


We deliver sessions online and in person


We offer a mental health talking service for those looking for more direct and individualised support. Whilst this is not a counselling service it is designed with the intention to support your overall well-being (involving mental health) for personal development - with a primary focus on emotional and cognitive health. Sessions are facilitated by a certified and highly experienced professional and revolve around topics and experiences that you would like support in. 

Our blog is a space for our community to thrive. It is a place for us to share our experiences and tools in the field of mental health and personal development. From interviews with celebrities through to discussions about divorce, remote working, student living, and more, mental health is at the core of all of these conversations. 


We are also incredibly proud to have a specific Men's Corner, a section of the blog focusing solely on men's mental health and reducing stigma and toxic masculinity surrounding emotional or cognitive health. Head over to our blog to explore for yourself!

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